Monday 19 September 2016


Today, people are becoming increasingly self conscious about their appearance and smile.They are looking for various  cosmetic dental treatments to achieve the desired esthetic appearance, attention, to make a fashion statement and to be unique among the crowd. With the introduction of cosmetic dental treatments like porcelain veneering, composite veneering, bleaching and placement of tooth jewelry, patients smile can be made more pleasing, appealing, and esthetic. This results in increased self confidence of the patient. Among these cosmetic dental treatments bleaching and veneering procedures are indicated for patients with discolored teeth, spacing between teeth, and mild irregular teeth, where as oral tooth jewelry is for all patients who want a dazzling smile. 

The procedure is totally non- invasive and does not harm your tooth in any way. The fine high quality gem with excellent brilliance and shine is place on the tooth structure with the help of a material called composite which is matched with your original tooth color.

This is a completely painless 15 mins procedure which does not involve any tooth drillling.

The jewel is mounted according according to whichever area the cosmetic dentist and patient  feel is most aesthetic  and stay in your mouth till you want to get it removed.

The jewel is removed by the cosmetic dentist. The jewel is polished off and will leave no visible mark on the tooth.

VISIT  US AT AKSS for  little bit of extra sparkle and bling in your smile .

Monday 29 August 2016


The first thing that somebody notices about you is your smile but not everyone is blessed with a perfect smile. Your smile can make a lasting impression about your personality. You may not be very comfortable taking to people or smiling because of your crooked smile, which leads to a very under confident personality.
Choosing to straighten your teeth with braces/brackets is a big decision that affects not only your looks but changes your life style as well. It also  comes with several drawbacks like having recurrent mouth ulcers due to braces and wires, inability to  eat food properly , caries due to improper brushing and food accumulation and hypo calcified white spots to name a few. Many people suffer drastic  weight loss due to discomfort caused while eating food and eventually leads to loss of appetite.As an adult, you may be looking to improve your smile for business, social reasons or even for a special occasion like your wedding day. Or perhaps as a teenager too, if you are looking for advanced new technology which delivers cutting edge results. So in such cases  the solution to straight smile without use of train track braces is "INVISIBLE ORTHODONTICS."
It is the way of straightening  your teeth with use of customized transparent / clear aligners.
The first step is the consult with your doctor who examines your teeth properly, takes pictures from all required angles and makes a treatment plan for you. Choosing the right dentist is very crucial since not all dentists work with clear aligners, so it is very important to choose a dentist who has received a proper clear path training and can truly evaluate your needs.
Based on the alignment of your teeth using 3-D technology, you are provided a set of clear aligners  created  specially for you. These are smooth , transparent and comfortable that don't irritate your cheeks and gums like what traditional braces do. And since they are transparent and fit your teeth perfectly, people won't even notice  that you are wearing them.

Approximately every 2-3 weeks  you will be provided a new set of aligners  which you will wear for about 20 hours a day advancing you to the next stage closer to your final outcome. Your doctor monitors your progress by having occasional checks.
They are very comfortable , predictable as you can see the treatment results even before your treatment starts . These can be easily removed while eating , brushing and on special occasions if required thus making them extremely patient friendly.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

TEETH WHITENING : Solution To Wearing Bright Lip colors Without Your Teeth Looking Yellow

Your yellow teeth may just turn out to be a damper to an otherwise beautiful smile.Getting ready for a party ? Wanting to wear the brightest range of lip colors. If yes, then a beautiful you ought to get rid of the yellowness!


Regrettably , a lot of extrinsic factors like our love for red wine, coffee,tea and smoking  lead to of changes in our teeth resulting in discoloration of our teeth and a not-so  attractive smile. Aging is another common factor for discoloration .Our teeth are made up of 3 layers namely:
                          - enamel
                          - dentin
                          - pulp
With time the underlying dentin tends to darken  due  to formation of secondary dentin.
 Teeth whitening is the answer to age related yellowness of teeth.

Most of the extrinsic stains can be removed by oral prophylaxis(scaling and polishing) but with time these stains will darken and become more persistent and may even penetrate through micro-cracks in the enamel. At this stage they will be highly responsive to teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening gel  uses bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide or  carbamide peroxide and are normally used in two methods namely
                          - In office treatments
                         - At home / over the counter treatments

In office treatments are carried out by a cosmetic dentist. A variety of different tooth whitening treatments are available in different percentage formulations.Your cosmetic dentist will determine what is best for you.
Some treatments may require flashing a specific wavelength light onto the bleaching gel which is applied to the teeth to speed up the whitening process.
In the at home treatment, your  dentist will take the impression of your teeth and provide you a custom tray which will fit only your teeth. You dispense a thin layer of whitening gel on the tray at home and wear it for about 2 hours a day or preferably at night.This procedure takes longer (1 to 2 weeks or maybe more)as compared to in -office whitening which is much faster and takes about 40 mins to achieve the desired results.

 Visit us at for  whiter brighter teeth today and flaunt that confident smile .

Thursday 11 August 2016

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Dentistry is no longer just a case of filling and taking out teeth. Nowadays many people turn to cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry', as a way of improving their appearance. They do this in the same way they might use cosmetic surgery or even a new hairstyle. The treatments can be used to straighten, lighten, reshape and repair teeth. Cosmetic treatments include veneers, crowns, bridges, tooth-coloured fillings, implants and tooth whitening.

What is a veneer?

Veneers are thin slices of porcelain. These are precisely made to fit over the visible surface of your front teeth, like a false fingernail fits over a nail.

Why might I have a veneer?

Veneers are an ideal way of treating discoloured or unsightly teeth, closing gaps between front teeth, or repairing chips and cracks.

How are veneers fitted?

A small amount of enamel is removed from the tooth, usually the same thickness as the veneer will be. The dental team take an impression and send it to a dental technician, who makes the veneer in a laboratory. The veneer is then bonded to the tooth to form a strong and natural-looking repair.

Can I have white fillings?

For over 150 years standard fillings have been made out of a silvery-grey material called ‘amalgam'. This is considered one of the strongest and longest-lasting materials for fillings. However, many people find it unattractive and some are concerned about possible health risks.
White fillings are now a popular alternative to amalgam fillings. The new dental materials mean it is much easier to find a perfect match for the shade of a particular tooth. In most cases, it is quite impossible to see that the tooth even has a filling. Sometimes white filling material can be used to cover unsightly marks on teeth, in a similar way to veneers.

My tooth is badly broken - what can I do?

When a tooth is badly broken or heavily filled, the dentist may need to crown or ‘cap' it to restore its appearance and strength.

How does the dentist make a crown?

The usual method for fitting a crown involves shaping the tooth under local anaesthetic and then taking an impression using a rubber-like material. The impression is then sent to the laboratory along with the details of the shade to be used, and the technician makes the crown.

What happens to my teeth while the crown is being made?

While your crown is being made, the prepared tooth can be protected with a temporary crown. This is easily removed just before fitting the permanent one. In most cases, the temporary crown is in place for about two weeks.

What is a crown made of?

Crowns can be made of a variety of different materials, such as porcelain or porcelain bonded to metal. New materials are continually being introduced. It is a good idea to talk to your dental team about which crown would be best for you.

How can my dentist fill a gap in my mouth?

If a tooth is missing, or needs taking out, there are several ways to fill the gap that is left. In some cases it is important to try to replace any missing teeth to balance the way your jaw bites. If you have several missing teeth, the remaining teeth are under more pressure. This can lead to broken fillings or even jaw problems.
A partial denture is the simplest way to replace missing teeth. However, some people find dentures uncomfortable and eventually decide to look at alternatives, such as bridges or implants.

What is a bridge?

Bridges are ideal for people who don't like dentures and only have a few teeth missing. Bridges are usually made by putting a crown on the teeth on either side of the gap and attaching a false tooth in the middle. The bridge can't be removed. These bridges are usually made of precious metal bonded to porcelain. Sometimes other non-precious metals are used in the base to give it extra strength.

What if I don't want my remaining teeth drilled?

Adhesive bridges are another way of bridging a gap, and less of the tooth needs removing. These bridges are made up of a false tooth with metal ‘wings' on either side. These wings are made to bond to the teeth on either side, with very little drilling needed. Instead, the teeth are roughened and the bridge is fitted using a very strong composite resin.

Can implants be used to replace missing teeth?

Implants are an alternative to dentures and bridges, but they are more expensive. Implants are titanium rods which are surgically placed into the jawbone and act as anchors for fastening dentures or crowns onto.

Can I lighten the colour of my teeth?

Yes. Tooth whitening can be a highly effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it should lighten the existing shade.

What does tooth whitening involve?

Professional bleaching is the most common form of tooth whitening.
Your dental team will apply the whitening product to your teeth, using a specially made tray which fits into your mouth like a mouthguard.
The ‘active ingredient' in the product is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. As the active ingredient is broken down, oxygen gets into the enamel on the teeth and the tooth colour is made lighter.
Once your dental team has started this treatment you may be given the trays to take home and continue the treatment, or you may need more appointments with the team. This treatment can take around 3 to 4 weeks, depending on how long you keep the trays in your mouth each time, and how much whiter you want your teeth to be.
It is important to remember that only natural teeth will be whitened, and that any crowns, bridges or dentures you have will stay the same shade.

What other tooth-whitening methods are there?

There is now laser whitening or ‘power whitening'. During this treatment a light or laser is shone on the teeth to activate the chemical. The light speeds up the chemical reaction of the whitening product and the shade change can be achieved more quickly. Laser whitening can make teeth up to five or six shades lighter. This treatment usually takes about one hour and you must be seen by a qualified dentist before starting treatment.

What is an 'incorrect bite'?

This is when the teeth do not meet together properly or are not in balance with the rest of the face, or if teeth are lost and not replaced.

What can happen if it is not treated?

If an incorrect bite is not treated the face can ‘collapse'. This can cause the face to sag, the chin to stick out or the smile to droop. It can even cause headaches, neck pain and pain in other parts of the body.

How can it be treated?

There are a number of treatments, including crowns, veneers and orthodontics (braces). Ask your dental team which treatment is most suitable for you. Ask for an estimate of the cost and a written treatment plan before you start.

Can my crooked or twisted teeth be straightened?

Teeth can be straightened with orthodontics (braces). This is usually done during the teenage years, when the jaws are going through a period of growth. However, many adults also have treatment to straighten their crooked teeth or to improve their appearance. The treatment can take much longer in adults and is therefore more expensive.
Some people have clear or plastic braces, which are hardly noticeable. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, first see your dental team and get their advice. Your dental team can talk to you about your treatment options and if necessary refer you to an orthodontist, a dentist who specialises in straightening teeth.
There are also now ‘invisible' braces. Your dentist will make you a series of clear plastic shields (like a mouthguard) which need to be worn all day and gradually move your teeth into a new position.

Are there any alternatives to orthodontics?

Cosmetic contouring can be used to improve the appearance of teeth. It is ideal if you have irregular-shaped or slightly crowded teeth.
However, in contouring the teeth a small amount of enamel would be lost. Contouring can also be used to improve the shape and appearance of your gums. These treatments are not recommended for young children.

What is tooth jewellery?

Tooth jewellery involves sticking small jewels onto the teeth using dental cement. They should be fitted by a dentist, who can easily remove them if necessary. It is important to keep the area around the jewel clean, as plaque can easily build up around it and you will be more likely to get tooth decay.